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Whoops, a day late, but I gave it my best ^^;

Once again, blah blah, not sure this style is working, blah blah, it’s becoming more and more obvious I’m not sure what I’m trying to do with this style, blah blah blah 😛

Still trying to find a balancing point, but I do really want to push my art style, so please bare with me through these troubling times of extreme experimentation (I mean I’m always trying to experiment with MitM, but this is more radical and…yeah…)

Since it’s NOT obvious by any means, the long skinny panel is meant to show Dayton in four positions. Running down the stairs, grabbing a loaf of bread (yeah yeah, I know, but there are many more issues than my poorly drawn bread), slicing the bread, and then his silhouette grabbing something from the top of the cupboard. Yeah…this panel kinda just fell apart the farther along I got. I had hoped that silhouetting the last Dayton would help him and the other characters stand out more, but that obviously didn’t work. I was also unsure of whether or not to use the solid inking black for background elements or foreground stuff. Yup. Officially botched.

Also back to crappy scanner for a few weeks…

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