Come on Dayton. “…decided to do it yourself.” That seems a little much. I’m pretty sure Sam played a pretty significant role in convincing you to do the job 😛
Spent a lot of time writing this page. I knew from the beginning I wanted the conversation to escalate to having Dayton frustrated and on the edge of an argument, but smoothly getting there with the dialogue proved a significant challenge for my small little writer’s brain…
However, I was really pleased with how the panel layout came out. I liked the 9-panel grid (with the missing panel in the middle) and how it created this circular composition that revolves around a conversation. The conversation itself also goes through a three level system (top three panels, then middle two, and then final three) as things become tense. Another cool touch I tried to do was keep the left panels focused on Dayton and the right ones on Ray. Originally the bottom ones were gonna perfectly mirror the top panels (first panel would show Dayton with Ray silhouette in background, and the last two focus on Ray), but I switched it up a little.
Also, Oh look! No ink-shading-thingy this page. I’m not completely abandoning the ink shading, but I wanted to try and see what it would look like just filling in open spots with ink. I’d love to hear what you guys think. Your opinion could change the future of MitM’s style! 😀
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