Page 107
So trying out some new ideas. I’ve had some critique (on multiple occasions actually) about the characters becoming hard to distinguish from more complicated backgrounds. While on this page I decided to simplify the backgrounds, later I hope to work with only harder (or lighter) pencils and try to keep the characters darker. Now all that’s left is to put it into practice…
Almost made this page completely symmetrical by the way. For awhile I considered stretching the middle three panels full page length and making the top two the same size as the bottom two and have them overlap the same way. In the end I decided it was a bad idea and went with this solution. I had the characters pop out of panel 5 to help balance the page, but I doubt anyone really cares to know that silly bit of info…
Look at that first panel. Look at that hand. That. That is the essence of laziness. I could have given some effort and actually drawn a hand, but nope, I just drew this little stub o_o (I’ve even drawn a similar pose before!)
Also I went through several dialogue options before landing with this one. Several of them featured cringe-worthy jokes that I tossed out the window. Eventually I decided to run with Joel’s first line on this page because it accurately summarized my feelings after I went back and read the previous couple pages. Why the heck did I have them walk here??? Maybe time will reveal what is currently hidden to me >.<